Our Corporate and Group Wellness program, if administered properly, can be an invaluable asset in terms of improving the quality of life of the employee or individual, and directly affects the success of the business and improves the quality of our life.

Research has proven that anyone who participates in a wellness program has an improved overall sense of wellbeing, happier at the work place, come to work more often, and there is a decrease in nagging aches and pains. This leads to better decision making by the employees and improves work output. Companies spend less money for employees for health issues which creates an increase in revenues for the company. It is a win, win situation all around.

Pro Sports and Fitness provides a comprehensive Corporate Wellness/Group Program which includes anthropometric and functional movement screen testing (body fat analysis and physical structure and movement evaluation.

Services provided for the Wellness Program include fitness manuals, seminars (power point, videos and participatory), and individual computerized fitness profile with program design.

Topics include Awareness of Movement, Muscular Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, Flexibility (especially for the lower back), Weight Loss Management, Injury Prevention (a special core strengthening and flexibility class), Weight Loss Management, Stress Reduction (especially from computer usage) and Nutritional Education. We provide group or one on one personal training for executives and employees in this program.

MUSCULAR FITNESS: Individualized and general weight training programs are designed for the members. A picture, description and explanation of the muscles worked during each specific exercise is included in the fitness manual. Research has shown that people of all ages, can dramatically improve the strength of the muscular system and increase the density of the skeletal system through resistance training. (Seminar and fitness manual)

CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS: Establishing guidelines for aerobic activities such as; bicycling, rowing, racquetball, jogging and walking are explained. An Aerobic Mileage club is also implemented into this system which gives a wide range of activities to choose from to receive “AEROBIC MILEAGE CREDIT.” Being able to decrease body fat by exercising aerobicly is just one more simple method of creating a healthy body. (Seminar and fitness manual)

FLEXIBILITY: Individual and group static and P-N-F (proprioceptive-neuromuscular-facilitation), and Dynamic stretching programs are established through seminars. Flexibility tests are administered and recorded in the fitness profile. (Seminar and fitness manual)

NUTRITION: Diet and nutrition is a very important component of a wellness program. A company can have a major impact on the lifestyle of the employees by implementing nutritional seminars. Just think of how many illnesses can be reduced such as obesity, cancer, and arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). A computerized dietary analysis is implemented to help the member become more aware of 1) proper percentages of foodstuffs (Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins and Nutrients), 2) proper caloric intake, and 3) proper caloric distribution. A power point presentation is given at this seminar to display how simple it is to change a meal from a high fat calorie diet to a low fat high energy meal by choosing the correct foods and even being able to eat more. (Seminar and handouts)

WEIGHT CONTROL: How to lose weight the sensible way is explained. Various anthropometric measurements are taken to help the member “see” results. Percent body fat analysis is also used to determine the correct weight for each individual. A computerized anthropometric program is incorporated. A special twelve week “Team Concept” to lose weight can also be available.

STRESS MANAGEMENT: Research and practical experience indicates that an individual’s personal, social and work effectiveness depends on the ability to cope with and manage stress. Stress awareness, significant change, life change scale (identification of the source), stress assessment, and mechanisms of reducing stress are discussed. If an employee can learn to reduce the stress of everyday life or at least be able to cope with the stress better, then the risk of an employee turning to drug and alcohol abuse should be decreased.


2 times a week

3 times a week

  • $12.50/session

  • Total: $300

  • Sign Up


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